Friday, April 4, 2008

Peter Bradshaw's 'Funny Games" Review

Here is what Peter Bradshaw had to say about Michael Haneke's own re-shoot of Funny Games (2008). For those who haven't seen the 1997 original, it is one of the single most horrifying filmic experiences of my life - and that's a compliment. I can safely claim that Funny Games (1997) is my favourite horror film I have seen yet. The re-shoot (it is a shot-by-shot replica, the only difference being a single line about a cell phone) has some issues with acting - though good they all are, it reminds you how important the acting was in the first place. I would recommend everybody to try to watch the 1997 one first and if you still have the stomach watch the 2008 film. Haneke is a genius in manipulating audience and this is further proof of that.
